
An open API service providing mapping between scientific papers and software projects that are mentioned in them.
All mentions data is based on the CZI Software Mentions dataset.

Papers: 10.1186/s13104-019-4179-2

Cited by: 75
Author(s): Wei Su, Jianqiang Sun, Kentaro Shimizu, Koji Kadota
Published: about 5 years ago

Software Mentions 20

bioconductor: TCC
TCC: Differential expression analysis for tag count data with robust normalization strategies
Papers that mentioned: 67
cran: cluster
"Finding Groups in Data": Cluster Analysis Extended Rousseeuw et al.
Papers that mentioned: 416
cran: dplyr
A Grammar of Data Manipulation
Papers that mentioned: 1,213
cran: DT
A Wrapper of the JavaScript Library 'DataTables'
Papers that mentioned: 74
cran: heatmaply
Interactive Cluster Heat Maps Using 'plotly' and 'ggplot2'
Papers that mentioned: 45
cran: knitr
A General-Purpose Package for Dynamic Report Generation in R
Papers that mentioned: 157
cran: MASS
Support Functions and Datasets for Venables and Ripley's MASS
Papers that mentioned: 2,353
cran: plotly
Create Interactive Web Graphics via 'plotly.js'
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cran: RColorBrewer
ColorBrewer Palettes
Papers that mentioned: 490
cran: rmarkdown
Dynamic Documents for R
Papers that mentioned: 38
cran: shiny
Web Application Framework for R
Papers that mentioned: 127
cran: shinyBS
Twitter Bootstrap Components for Shiny
Papers that mentioned: 15
cran: shinycssloaders
Add Loading Animations to a 'shiny' Output While It's Recalculating
Papers that mentioned: 14
cran: shinydashboard
Create Dashboards with 'Shiny'
Papers that mentioned: 22
cran: shinyWidgets
Custom Inputs Widgets for Shiny
Papers that mentioned: 12
cran: tidyr
Tidy Messy Data
Papers that mentioned: 321
pypi: cluster

Papers that mentioned: 416
pypi: plotly
An open-source, interactive data visualization library for Python
Papers that mentioned: 163
pypi: shiny
A web development framework for Python.
Papers that mentioned: 127
pypi: utils
A grab-bag of utility functions and objects
Papers that mentioned: 35