
An open API service providing mapping between scientific papers and software projects that are mentioned in them.
All mentions data is based on the CZI Software Mentions dataset.

Papers: 10.1093/conphys/coab071

Cited by: 12
Author(s): Mathias Dezetter, Jean‐François Le Galliard, Gaëtan Guiller, Michaël Guillon, Mathieu Leroux‐Coyau, Sandrine Meylan, François Brischoux, Frédéric Angelier, Olivier Lourdais
Published: over 3 years ago

Software Mentions 6

cran: AICcmodavg
Model Selection and Multimodel Inference Based on (Q)AIC(c)
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cran: emmeans
Estimated Marginal Means, aka Least-Squares Means
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cran: nlme
Linear and Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models
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pypi: glm
glm Python library
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pypi: lm
End to End Language Model Pipeline built for training speed
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pypi: stats
Calculator-style statistical functions
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