
An open API service providing mapping between scientific papers and software projects that are mentioned in them.
All mentions data is based on the CZI Software Mentions dataset.

Papers: 10.1016/S2589-7500(21)00115-1

Cited by: 48
Author(s): Carole H. Sudre, Ayya Keshet, Mark S. Graham, Amit D. Joshi, Smadar Shilo, Hagai Rossman, Benjamin Murray, Erika Molteni, Kerstin Kläser, Liane S Canas, Michela Antonelli, Long H. Nguyen, David A. Drew, Marc Modat, Joan Capdevila Pujol, Sajaysurya Ganesh, Jonathan Wolf, Tomer Meir, Andrew T. Chan, Claire J. Steves, Tim D. Spector, John S. Brownstein, Eran Segal, Sébastien Ourselin, Christina M Astley
Published: almost 3 years ago

Software Mentions 5

cran: metafor
Meta-Analysis Package for R
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Methods for Robust Rank Aggregation
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glm Python library
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pypi: rma
Utilities to profile Redis RAM usage
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pypi: ZOE
A trivial OpenGL rendering engine written entirely in Python
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