
An open API service providing mapping between scientific papers and software projects that are mentioned in them.
All mentions data is based on the CZI Software Mentions dataset.

Projects: pypi: bench

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19 versions
Latest release: almost 9 years ago
468 downloads last month

Papers Mentioning bench 4

Software engineering principles to improve quality and performance of R software
Cited by: 0
Author(s): Seth Russell, Tellen D. Bennett, Debashis Ghosh
Software Mentions: 29
Published: over 5 years ago
IDseq—An open source cloud-based pipeline and analysis service for metagenomic pathogen detection and monitoring
Cited by: 134
Author(s): Katrina Kalantar, Tiago Rodrigues De Carvalho, Charles F. A. de Bourcy, Boris Dimitrov, Greg Dingle, Rebecca Egger, Julie Han, Olivia B. Holmes, Yun Fang Juan, Ryan J. King, Andrey Kislyuk, Michael Lin, Maria Mariano, Todd Morse, Lucia V. Reynoso, David Rissato Cruz, Jonathan Sheu, Jennifer Tang, James Wang, Mark A. Zhang, Emily Zhong, Vida Ahyong, Sreyngim Lay, Sophana Chea, Jennifer A. Bohl, Jessica E. Manning, Cristina M. Tato, Joseph L. DeRisi
Software Mentions: 4
Published: over 3 years ago
Exploring the Functional Residues in a Flavin-Binding Fluorescent Protein Using Deep Mutational Scanning
Cited by: 12
Author(s): HyeonSeok Shin, Yoobok Cho, Donghui Choe, Yu‐Jin Jeong, Suhyung Cho, Sun Chang Kim, Byung-Kwan Cho
Software Mentions: 3
Published: about 10 years ago
The unfolded protein response alongside the diauxic shift of yeast cells and its involvement in mitochondria enlargement
Cited by: 17
Author(s): Duc Minh Tran, Yuki Ishiwata-Kimata, Thanh Chi, Minoru Kubo, Yukio Kimata
Software Mentions: 2
Published: over 4 years ago