
An open API service providing mapping between scientific papers and software projects that are mentioned in them.
All mentions data is based on the CZI Software Mentions dataset.

Papers: 10.1186/s12915-021-01134-w

Cited by: 7
Author(s): Claus‐Peter Stelzer, Julie Blommaert, Ann‐Marie Waldvogel, Maria Pichler, Bette Hecox-Lea, David Welch
Published: over 2 years ago

Software Mentions 7

cran: cowplot
Streamlined Plot Theme and Plot Annotations for 'ggplot2'
Papers that mentioned: 298
cran: ES
Edge Selection
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cran: ggplot2
Create Elegant Data Visualisations Using the Grammar of Graphics
Papers that mentioned: 11,441
cran: reshape2
Flexibly Reshape Data: A Reboot of the Reshape Package
Papers that mentioned: 421
cran: stringr
Simple, Consistent Wrappers for Common String Operations
Papers that mentioned: 172
cran: treemapify
Draw Treemaps in 'ggplot2'
Papers that mentioned: 10
pypi: assembly-stats
Calculates both scaffold and contig statistics (N50, L50, etc.) from a scaffold FASTA file.
Papers that mentioned: 9