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Papers: 10.1186/s12915-021-01029-w

Cited by: 36
Author(s): Cengiz Kaya, Tomas N Generalovic, Gunilla Ståhls, Martin Hauser, Ana Clariza Samayoa, Carlos Gustavo Nunes-Silva, Heather Roxburgh, Jens Wohlfahrt, Ebenezer Ato Ewusie, Marc Kenis, Yupa Hanboonsong, Jesús Orozco, Nancy Carrejo, Satoshi Nakamura, Laura Gasco, Santos Rojo, Chrysantus M. Tanga, Rudolf Meier, Clint Rhode, Christine Picard, Chris D. Jiggins, Florian Leiber, Jeffery K. Tomberlin, Martin Hasselmann, Wolf U. Blanckenhorn, Martin Kapun, Christoph Sandrock
Published: about 3 years ago

Software Mentions 10

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