
An open API service providing mapping between scientific papers and software projects that are mentioned in them.
All mentions data is based on the CZI Software Mentions dataset.

Papers: 10.1080/19490976.2020.1785246

Cited by: 9
Author(s): Ana Maldonado‐Contreras, Lluís Ferrer, Caitlin Cawley, Sarah Crain, Shakti Bhattarai, Juan F Toscano, Doyle V. Ward, Andrew M. Hoffman
Published: almost 4 years ago

Software Mentions 4

Multivariate Analysis of Variance Based on Distances and Permutations
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cran: randomForest
Breiman and Cutler's Random Forests for Classification and Regression
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pypi: gneiss
Compositional data analysis tools and visualizations
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pypi: MetaPhlAn
MetaPhlAn is a computational tool for profiling the composition of microbial communities (Bacteria, Archaea and Eukaryotes) from metagenomic shotgun sequencing data (i.e. not 16S) with species-level. With the newly added StrainPhlAn module, it is now possible to perform accurate strain-level microbial profiling.
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