
An open API service providing mapping between scientific papers and software projects that are mentioned in them.
All mentions data is based on the CZI Software Mentions dataset.

Papers: 10.1042/BSR20201087

Cited by: 9
Author(s): Dafeng Xu, Yu Wang, Kailun Zhou, Junzhen Wu, Zhensheng Zhang, Jiachao Zhang, Zhiwei Yu, Luzheng Liu, Xiangmei Liu, Bidan Li, Jinfang Zheng
Published: over 3 years ago

Software Mentions 3

bioconductor: EBSeq
An R package for gene and isoform differential expression analysis of RNA-seq data
Papers that mentioned: 261
cran: randomForest
Breiman and Cutler's Random Forests for Classification and Regression
Papers that mentioned: 1,447
pypi: 3
Papers that mentioned: 193