
An open API service providing mapping between scientific papers and software projects that are mentioned in them.
All mentions data is based on the CZI Software Mentions dataset.

Papers: 10.1038/s41598-020-66628-z

Cited by: 15
Author(s): Mary Rodríguez-Rabassa, Ruthmarie Hernandez, Zindie Rodríguez, Claudia B. Colon-Echevarria, Lizette Maldonado, Nelmit Tollinchi, Estefanía Torres-Marrero, Adnil Mulero, Daniela Albors, Jaileene Pérez‐Morales, Idhaliz Flores, Julie Dutil, Heather Jim, Eida Castro, Guillermo N. Armaiz-Peña
Published: almost 4 years ago

Software Mentions 14

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Visualization of a Correlation Matrix
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A Grammar of Data Manipulation
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'ggplot2' Based Publication Ready Plots
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cran: olsrr
Tools for Building OLS Regression Models
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cran: psych
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Graph Plotting Methods, Psychometric Data Visualization and Graphical Model Estimation
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cran: RColorBrewer
ColorBrewer Palettes
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cran: TESS
Diversification Rate Estimation and Fast Simulation of Reconstructed Phylogenetic Trees under Tree-Wide Time-Heterogeneous Birth-Death Processes Including Mass-Extinction Events
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cran: tidyselect
Select from a Set of Strings
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pypi: d3heatmap
Python package to create interactive heatmap based on d3js.
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