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Projects: bioconductor: scRepertoire

A toolkit for single-cell immune receptor profiling
1 version
Latest release: 10 months ago
13,872 downloads total

Papers Mentioning scRepertoire 3

scRepertoire: An R-based toolkit for single-cell immune receptor analysis
Cited by: 121
Author(s): Nicholas Borcherding, Nicholas L. Bormann, Gloria Kraus
Software Mentions: 16
Published: about 4 years ago
Mapping the immune environment in clear cell renal carcinoma by single-cell genomics
Cited by: 103
Author(s): Nicholas Borcherding, Ajaykumar Vishwakarma, Andrew P. Voigt, Andrew M. Bellizzi, Jacob Kaplan, Kenneth G. Nepple, Aliasger K. Salem, Russell W. Jenkins, Yousef Zakharia, Weizhou Zhang
Software Mentions: 14
Published: over 3 years ago
SARS-CoV-2 mutations in MHC-I-restricted epitopes evade CD8 <sup>+</sup> T cell responses
Cited by: 133
Author(s): Benedikt Agerer, Maximilian Koblischke, Venugopal Gudipati, Luis Fernando Montaño-Gutierrez, Mark J. Smyth, Alexandra Popa, Jakob-Wendelin Genger, Lukas Endler, David M. Florian, Vanessa Mühlgrabner, Marianne Graninger, Stephan W. Aberle, Anna-Maria Husa, Lisa E. Shaw, Alexander Lercher, Pia Gattinger, Ricard Torralba-Gombau, Doris Trapin, Thomas Penz, Daniele Barreca, Ingrid Faé, S. Wenda, Marianna Traugott, Gernot Walder, Winfried F. Pickl, Volker Thiel, Franz Allerberger, Hannes Stockinger, Elisabeth Puchhammer‐Stöckl, Wolfgang Weninger, Gottfried Fischer, Wolfgang Hoepler, Erich Pawelka, Alexander Zoufaly, Rudolf Valenta, Christoph Bock, Wolfgang Paster, René Geyeregger, Matthias Farlik, Florian Halbritter, Johannes B. Huppa, Judith H. Aberle, Andréas Bergthaler
Software Mentions: 7
Published: over 3 years ago