
An open API service providing mapping between scientific papers and software projects that are mentioned in them.
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Projects: bioconductor: scBFA

A dimensionality reduction tool using gene detection pattern to mitigate noisy expression profile of scRNA-seq
1 version
Latest release: 10 months ago
4,237 downloads total

Papers Mentioning scBFA 2

scBFA: modeling detection patterns to mitigate technical noise in large-scale single-cell genomics data
Cited by: 15
Author(s): Ruoxin Li, Gerald Quon
Software Mentions: 6
Published: almost 5 years ago
Correction to: scBFA: modeling detection patterns to mitigate technical noise in large-scale single-cell genomics data
Cited by: 1
Author(s): Ruoxin Li, Gerald Quon
Software Mentions: 1
Published: over 4 years ago