
An open API service providing mapping between scientific papers and software projects that are mentioned in them.
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Projects: bioconductor: VennDetail

A package for visualization and extract details
1 version
Latest release: 10 months ago
9,348 downloads total

Papers Mentioning VennDetail 3

Diagnostic blood RNA profiles for human acute spinal cord injury
Cited by: 21
Author(s): Nikos Kyritsis, Abel Torres-Espín, Patrick G. Schupp, J. Russell Huie, Austin Chou, Xuan Duong Fernandez, Libby Thomas, Rachel Tsolinas, Debra D. Hemmerle, Lisa U. Pascual, Vineeta Singh, Jonathan Z. Pan, Jason F. Talbott, William D. Whetstone, John F. Burke, Anthony M DiGiorgio, Philip Weinstein, Geoffrey T. Manley, Sanjay S. Dhall, Adam R. Ferguson, Michael C. Oldham, Jacqueline C. Bresnahan, Michael S. Beattie
Software Mentions: 19
Published: over 3 years ago
Transcriptomic Signatures of Airway Epithelium Infected With SARS-CoV-2: A Balance Between Anti-infection and Virus Load
Cited by: 3
Author(s): Lingzhang Meng, Houji Qin, Jingjie Zhao, Siyuan He, Qiuju Wei, Zechen Wang, Jiajia Shen, Suren R. Sooranna, Jian Song
Software Mentions: 4
Published: almost 3 years ago
Predicting Drug-Induced Liver Injury Using Machine Learning on a Diverse Set of Predictors
Cited by: 4
Author(s): Temidayo Adeluwa, Brett A. McGregor, Kai Guo, Junguk Hur
Software Mentions: 2
Published: almost 3 years ago