
An open API service providing mapping between scientific papers and software projects that are mentioned in them.
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Projects: bioconductor: Ularcirc

Shiny app for canonical and back splicing analysis (i.e. circular and mRNA analysis)
1 version
Latest release: 10 months ago
5,168 downloads total

Papers Mentioning Ularcirc 2

Docker4Circ: A Framework for the Reproducible Characterization of circRNAs from RNA-Seq Data
Cited by: 8
Author(s): Giulio Ferrero, Nicola Licheri, Lucia Coscujuela Tarrero, Carlo De Intinis, Valentina Miano, Raffaele Calogero, Francesca Cordero, Michele De Bortoli, Marco Beccuti
Software Mentions: 8
Published: over 4 years ago
Comprehensive landscape and future perspectives of circular RNAs in colorectal cancer
Cited by: 73
Author(s): Fei Long, Zhi Lin, Liang Li, Min Ma, Zhixing Lu, Jinyan Liang, Xiaorong Li, Changwei Lin
Software Mentions: 1
Published: over 3 years ago