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Projects: bioconductor: SummarizedBenchmark

Classes and methods for performing benchmark comparisons
1 version
Latest release: 10 months ago
6,719 downloads total

Papers Mentioning SummarizedBenchmark 3

Comparison of clustering tools in R for medium-sized 10x Genomics single-cell RNA-sequencing data
Cited by: 90
Author(s): Saskia Freytag, Tian Li, Ingrid Lönnstedt, Milica Ng, Melanie Bahlo
Software Mentions: 12
Published: over 5 years ago
<i>CellBench</i>: <i>R/Bioconductor</i> software for comparing single-cell RNA-seq analysis methods
Cited by: 17
Author(s): Shian Su, Luyi Tian, Xueyi Dong, Peter Hickey, Saskia Freytag, Matthew E. Ritchie
Software Mentions: 11
Published: over 4 years ago
Essential guidelines for computational method benchmarking
Cited by: 107
Author(s): Lukas Weber, Wouter Saelens, Robrecht Cannoodt, Charlotte Soneson, Alexander Hapfelmeier, Paul Geeleher, Anne‐Laure Boulesteix, Yvan Saeys, Mark D. Robinson
Software Mentions: 6
Published: about 5 years ago