
An open API service providing mapping between scientific papers and software projects that are mentioned in them.
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Projects: bioconductor: ORFik

Open Reading Frames in Genomics
2 versions
Latest release: 9 months ago
2 dependent packages
13,161 downloads total

Papers Mentioning ORFik 2

ORFik: a comprehensive R toolkit for the analysis of translation
Cited by: 13
Author(s): Håkon Tjeldnes, Kornel Labun, Yamila Torres Cleuren, Katarzyna Chyżyńska, Michał Świrski, Eivind Valen
Software Mentions: 10
Published: about 3 years ago
Combined nanopore and single-molecule real-time sequencing survey of human betaherpesvirus 5 transcriptome
Cited by: 7
Author(s): Balázs Kakuk, Dóra Tombácz, Zsolt Balázs, Norbert Moldován, Zsolt Csabai, Gábor Torma, Klára Megyeri, M Snyder, Zsolt Boldogkői
Software Mentions: 3
Published: about 3 years ago