
An open API service providing mapping between scientific papers and software projects that are mentioned in them.
All mentions data is based on the CZI Software Mentions dataset.

Papers: 10.3390/cancers13163972

Cited by: 2
Author(s): Johannes F. Fahrmann, Hiroyuki Katayama, Ehsan Irajizad, Ashish Chakraborty, Toshiro Kato, Xiangying Mao, Soyoung Park, Eunice Murage, Leona Rusling, Chuan Yu, Yinging Cai, Fu Chung Hsiao, Jennifer B. Dennison, Hai T. Tran, Edwin J. Ostrin, David O. Wilson, Jian Min Yuan, Jody Vykoukal, Samir Hanash
Published: almost 3 years ago

Software Mentions 2

cran: pROC
Display and Analyze ROC Curves
Papers that mentioned: 1,740
pypi: Pathway
Pathway is a data processing framework which takes care of streaming data updates for you.
Papers that mentioned: 827