
An open API service providing mapping between scientific papers and software projects that are mentioned in them.
All mentions data is based on the CZI Software Mentions dataset.

Papers: 10.1038/s41598-020-70535-8

Cited by: 16
Author(s): Alena M. Bubeck, Lena C. Preiss, Anna Jung, Elisabeth Dörner, Daniel Podlesny, Marija Kulis, Cynthia Maddox, Cesar Arze, Christian Zörb, Nikolaus Merkt, W. Florian Fricke
Published: almost 4 years ago

Software Mentions 6

bioconductor: ALDEx2
Analysis Of Differential Abundance Taking Sample and Scale Variation Into Account
Papers that mentioned: 136
bioconductor: biomformat
An interface package for the BIOM file format
Papers that mentioned: 18
cran: nortest
Tests for Normality
Papers that mentioned: 95
cran: vegan
Community Ecology Package
Papers that mentioned: 6,903
pypi: cutadapt
Adapter trimming and other preprocessing of high-throughput sequencing reads
Papers that mentioned: 1,562
pypi: vsearch
The Head First Python Search Tools
Papers that mentioned: 284