
An open API service providing mapping between scientific papers and software projects that are mentioned in them.
All mentions data is based on the CZI Software Mentions dataset.

Papers: 10.1016/j.immuni.2021.05.010

Cited by: 188
Author(s): Laura Bergamaschi, Federica Mescia, Lorinda Turner, Aimee L. Hanson, Prasanti Kotagiri, Benjamin J. Dunmore, Hélène Ruffieux, Aloka De, Oisín Huhn, Michael D. Morgan, Pehuén Pereyra Gerber, Mark R. Wills, Stephen Baker, Fernando J Calero-Nieto, Rainer Döffinger, Gordon Dougan, Anne Elmer, Ian Goodfellow, Ravindra Gupta, Myra Hosmillo, Kelvin Hunter, Nathalie Kingston, Paul J. Lehner, Nicholas J Matheson, Jeremy K. Nicholson, A. M. Petrunkina, Sylvia Richardson, Caroline Saunders, James Thaventhiran, Erik J. M. Toonen, Michael P. Weekes, Berthold Göttgens, Mark Toshner, Christoph Hess, John R. Bradley, Paul Lyons, Kenneth Smith
Published: almost 3 years ago

Software Mentions 12

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