
An open API service providing mapping between scientific papers and software projects that are mentioned in them.
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Projects: bioconductor: seqsetvis

Set Based Visualizations for Next-Gen Sequencing Data
1 version
Latest release: 10 months ago
7,255 downloads total

Papers Mentioning seqsetvis 2

Higher-Order Chromatin Structures of Chromosomally Integrated HHV-6A Predict Integration Sites
Cited by: 2
Author(s): Michael Mariani, Cosima Zimmerman, Princess D. Rodriguez, Ellie Hasenohr, Giulia Aimola, Diana L. Gerrard, Alyssa Richman, Andrea Dest, Louis Flamand, Benedikt B. Kaufer, Seth Frietze
Software Mentions: 5
Published: over 3 years ago
Genomic Prediction Informed by Biological Processes Expands Our Understanding of the Genetic Architecture Underlying Free Amino Acid Traits in Dry <i>Arabidopsis</i> Seeds
Cited by: 8
Author(s): Sarah D. Turner, Kevin A. Bird, Alexander E. Lipka, Elizabeth G. King, Timothy Beissinger, Ruthie Angelovici
Software Mentions: 3
Published: over 3 years ago