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Projects: bioconductor: scReClassify

scReClassify: post hoc cell type classification of single-cell RNA-seq data
1 version
Latest release: 10 months ago
1,282 downloads total

Papers Mentioning scReClassify 2

DSAVE: Detection of misclassified cells in single-cell RNA-Seq data
Cited by: 2
Author(s): Johan Gustafsson, Jonathan L. Robinson, Juan Salvador Inda-Díaz, Elias Björnson, Rebecka Jörnsten, Jens Nielsen
Software Mentions: 6
Published: over 3 years ago
scReClassify: post hoc cell type classification of single-cell rNA-seq data
Cited by: 15
Author(s): Tai-Yun Kim, Kitty Lo, Thomas A Geddes, Hani Jieun Kim, Jean Yee Hwa Yang, Pengyi Yang
Software Mentions: 2
Published: over 4 years ago