
An open API service providing mapping between scientific papers and software projects that are mentioned in them.
All mentions data is based on the CZI Software Mentions dataset.

Projects: bioconductor: quantsmooth

Quantile smoothing and genomic visualization of array data
1 version
Latest release: 10 months ago
4 dependent packages
92,154 downloads total

Papers Mentioning quantsmooth 3

Integrated analysis of DNA copy number and gene expression microarray data using gene sets
Cited by: 57
Author(s): Renée X. de Menezes, Marten Boetzer, Melle Sieswerda, Gert‐Jan B. van Ommen, Judith M. Boer
Software Mentions: 5
Published: about 15 years ago
RAPTURE (RAD capture) panel facilitates analyses characterizing sea lamprey reproductive ecology and movement dynamics
Cited by: 27
Author(s): Nicholas M. Sard, Seth Smith, Jared J. Homola, Jeannette Kanefsky, Gale A. Bravener, Jean V. Adams, Christopher M. Holbrook, Peter J. Hrodey, Kevin Tallon, Kim T. Scribner
Software Mentions: 4
Published: over 4 years ago
Genetic-variant hotspots and hotspot clusters in the human genome facilitating adaptation while increasing instability
Cited by: 6
Author(s): Xi Long, Hong Xue
Software Mentions: 3
Published: over 3 years ago