
An open API service providing mapping between scientific papers and software projects that are mentioned in them.
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Projects: bioconductor: iGC

An integrated analysis package of Gene expression and Copy number alteration
1 version
Latest release: 10 months ago
10,093 downloads total

Papers Mentioning iGC 3

iGC—an integrated analysis package of gene expression and copy number alteration
Cited by: 13
Author(s): Yi-Pin Lai, Liang-Bo Wang, Weian Wang, Liang‐Chuan Lai, Mong‐Hsun Tsai, Tzu-Pin Lu, Eric Y. Chuang
Software Mentions: 6
Published: over 7 years ago
A comparative study of multi-omics integration tools for cancer driver gene identification and tumour subtyping
Cited by: 43
Author(s): Anita Sathyanarayanan, Rohit Gupta, Erik W. Thompson, Dale R. Nyholt, Denis C. Bauer, Shivashankar H. Nagaraj
Software Mentions: 4
Published: over 4 years ago
Decoding Task-Specific Cognitive States with Slow, Directed Functional Networks in the Human Brain
Cited by: 0
Author(s): Shagun Ajmera, Hritik Jain, Mali Sundaresan, Devarajan Sridharan
Software Mentions: 1
Published: over 4 years ago