
An open API service providing mapping between scientific papers and software projects that are mentioned in them.
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Projects: bioconductor: dStruct

Identifying differentially reactive regions from RNA structurome profiling data
1 version
Latest release: 8 months ago
1,380 downloads total

Papers Mentioning dStruct 3

dStruct: identifying differentially reactive regions from RNA structurome profiling data
Cited by: 20
Author(s): Krishna Choudhary, Yi-Chun Lai, Elizabeth Tran, Sharon Aviran
Software Mentions: 8
Published: over 5 years ago
diffBUM-HMM: a robust statistical modeling approach for detecting RNA flexibility changes in high-throughput structure probing data
Cited by: 4
Author(s): Paolo Marangio, Ka Ying Toby Law, Guido Sanguinetti, Sander Granneman
Software Mentions: 3
Published: about 3 years ago
mRNA structural elements immediately upstream of the start codon dictate dependence upon eIF4A helicase activity
Cited by: 33
Author(s): Joseph A. Waldron, David C. Tack, Laura E. Ritchey, Sarah L. Gillen, Ania Wilczynska, Ernest Turro, Philip C. Bevilacqua, Sarah M. Assmann, Martin Bushell, John Le Quesne
Software Mentions: 1
Published: over 4 years ago