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Projects: bioconductor: circRNAprofiler

circRNAprofiler: An R-Based Computational Framework for the Downstream Analysis of Circular RNAs
2 versions
Latest release: 9 months ago
5,077 downloads total

Papers Mentioning circRNAprofiler 2

circRNAprofiler: an R-based computational framework for the downstream analysis of circular RNAs
Cited by: 16
Author(s): Simona Aufiero, Yolan J. Reckman, Anke J. Tijsen, Yigal M. Pinto, Esther E. Creemers
Software Mentions: 3
Published: about 4 years ago
Titin Circular RNAs Create a Back-Splice Motif Essential for SRSF10 Splicing
Cited by: 16
Author(s): Anke J. Tijsen, Lucía Cócera Ortega, Yolan J. Reckman, Xiaolei Zhang, Ingeborg van der Made, Simona Aufiero, Jiuru Li, Selina C. Kamps, Anouk van den Bout, Harsha D. Devalla, Karin Y. van Spaendonck‐Zwarts, Stefan Engelhardt, Lior Gepstein, James S. Ware, Yigal M. Pinto
Software Mentions: 1
Published: over 3 years ago