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Projects: bioconductor: biosigner

Signature discovery from omics data
1 version
Latest release: 10 months ago
2 dependent packages
12,257 downloads total

Papers Mentioning biosigner 5

The metaRbolomics Toolbox in Bioconductor and beyond
Cited by: 61
Author(s): Jan Stanstrup, Corey D. Broeckling, Rick Helmus, Nils Hoffmann, Ewy A. Mathé, Thomas Naake, Luca Nicolotti, Kristian Peters, Johannes Michael Rainer, Reza M. Salek, Tobias Schulze, Emma L. Schymanski, Michael A. Stravs, Etienne Thévenot, Hendrik Treutler, Ralf Weber, Egon Willighagen, Michael Witting, Steffen Neumann
Software Mentions: 92
Published: almost 5 years ago
IP4M: an integrated platform for mass spectrometry-based metabolomics data mining
Cited by: 32
Author(s): Dandan Liang, Quan Liu, Kejun Zhou, Jia Wang, Guoxiang Xie, Tianlu Chen
Software Mentions: 11
Published: almost 4 years ago
biosigner: A New Method for the Discovery of Significant Molecular Signatures from Omics Data
Cited by: 46
Author(s): Philippe Rinaudo, Samia Boudah, Christophe Junot, Etienne Thévenot
Software Mentions: 6
Published: about 8 years ago
A pharmaco-metabolomics approach in a clinical trial of ALS: Identification of predictive markers of progression
Cited by: 53
Author(s): Hélène Blasco, Franck Patin, Amandine Descat, Guillaume Garçon, Philippe Corcia, Patrick Gelé, Timothée Lenglet, Peter Bede, Vincent Meininger, David Devos, Jean François Gossens, Pierre‐François Pradat
Software Mentions: 2
Published: about 6 years ago
Lipidomics Reveals Cerebrospinal-Fluid Signatures of ALS
Cited by: 103
Author(s): Hélène Blasco, Charlotte Veyrat-Durebex, Cinzia Bocca, Franck Patin, Patrick Vourc’h, Judith Kouassi Nzoughet, Guy Lenaers, Christian R. Andres, Gilles Simard, Philippe Corcia, Pascal Reynier
Software Mentions: 1
Published: over 6 years ago