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Projects: bioconductor: TADCompare

TADCompare: Identification and characterization of differential TADs
1 version
Latest release: 10 months ago
3,792 downloads total

Papers Mentioning TADCompare 4

Functional genomics atlas of synovial fibroblasts defining rheumatoid arthritis heritability
Cited by: 23
Author(s): Xin Ge, Mojca Frank-Bertoncelj, Kerstin Klein, Amanda McGovern, Tadeja Kuret, Miranda Houtman, Blaž Burja, Raphael Micheroli, Chenfu Shi, Miriam Marks, Andrew Filer, Christopher D. Buckley, Gisela Orozco, Oliver Distler, Andrew P. Morris, Paul Martin, Stephen Eyre, Caroline Ospelt
Software Mentions: 5
Published: almost 3 years ago
TADCompare: An R Package for Differential and Temporal Analysis of Topologically Associated Domains
Cited by: 32
Author(s): Kellen Garrison Cresswell, Mikhail G. Dozmorov
Software Mentions: 4
Published: over 4 years ago
Deciphering hierarchical organization of topologically associated domains through change-point testing
Cited by: 11
Author(s): Haipeng Xing, Yingru Wu, Michael Q. Zhang, Yong Chen
Software Mentions: 3
Published: over 3 years ago
Spatial patterns of CTCF sites define the anatomy of TADs and their boundaries
Cited by: 39
Author(s): Luca Nanni, Stefano Ceri, Colin Logie
Software Mentions: 2
Published: almost 4 years ago