
An open API service providing mapping between scientific papers and software projects that are mentioned in them.
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Projects: bioconductor: SubCellBarCode

SubCellBarCode: Integrated workflow for robust mapping and visualizing whole human spatial proteome
1 version
Latest release: 10 months ago
4,256 downloads total

Papers Mentioning SubCellBarCode 3

The Human 2-Cys Peroxiredoxins form Widespread, Cysteine-Dependent- and Isoform-Specific Protein-Protein Interactions
Cited by: 16
Author(s): Loes van Dam, Marc Pagès-Gallego, Paulien E. Polderman, Robert M. van Es, Boudewijn M.T. Burgering, Harmjan R. Vos, Tobias B. Dansen
Software Mentions: 7
Published: over 3 years ago
Immediate Adaptation Analysis Implicates BCL6 as an EGFR-TKI Combination Therapy Target in NSCLC
Cited by: 9
Author(s): Yan Zhou Tran, Rezan Minozada, Xiaofang Cao, Henrik J. Johansson, Rui M. Branca, Brinton Seashore‐Ludlow, Lukas M. Orre
Software Mentions: 6
Published: about 4 years ago
TcellSubC: An Atlas of the Subcellular Proteome of Human T Cells
Cited by: 13
Author(s): Rubin Narayan Joshi, Charlotte Stadler, Robert Lehmann, Janne Lehtiö, Jesper Tegnér, Angelika Schmidt, Mattias Vesterlund
Software Mentions: 3
Published: over 4 years ago