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Projects: bioconductor: RegEnrich

Gene regulator enrichment analysis
1 version
Latest release: 10 months ago
3,039 downloads total

Papers Mentioning RegEnrich 1

CXCL4 Links Inflammation and Fibrosis by Reprogramming Monocyte-Derived Dendritic Cells in vitro
Cited by: 23
Author(s): Sandra Silva-Cardoso, Weiyang Tao, Chiara Angiolilli, Ana P Lopes, Cornelis P. J. Bekker, Abhinandan Devaprasad, Barbara Giovannone, Jaap van Laar, Marta Cossu, Wioleta Marut, Erik Hack, Rob J. de Boer, Marianne Boes, Timothy R D J Radstake, Aridaman Pandit
Software Mentions: 7
Published: almost 4 years ago