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Projects: bioconductor: Qtlizer

Comprehensive QTL annotation of GWAS results
1 version
Latest release: 10 months ago
5,512 downloads total

Papers Mentioning Qtlizer 4

ABC-GWAS: Functional Annotation of Estrogen Receptor-Positive Breast Cancer Genetic Variants
Cited by: 3
Author(s): Mohith Manjunath, Yi Zhang, Shilu Zhang, Sushmita Roy, Pablo Pérez-Piñera, Jun S. Song
Software Mentions: 6
Published: about 4 years ago
Studies in Zebrafish Demonstrate That CNNM2 and NT5C2 Are Most Likely the Causal Genes at the Blood Pressure-Associated Locus on Human Chromosome 10q24.32
Cited by: 10
Author(s): Krishan Kumar Vishnolia, Celine Hoene, Karim Tarhbalouti, Julian Revenstorff, Zouhair Aherrahrou, Jeanette Erdmann
Software Mentions: 2
Published: almost 4 years ago
A Novel Approach Integrating Hierarchical Clustering and Weighted Combination for Association Study of Multiple Phenotypes and a Genetic Variant
Cited by: 6
Author(s): Liwan Fu, Yuquan Wang, Tingting Li, Yue‐Qing Hu
Software Mentions: 2
Published: about 3 years ago
Qtlizer: comprehensive QTL annotation of GWAS results
Cited by: 19
Author(s): Matthias Munz, Inken Wohlers, Eric J. Simon, Tobias Reinberger, Hauke Busch, Arne S. Schäefer, Jeanette Erdmann
Software Mentions: 1
Published: over 3 years ago