
An open API service providing mapping between scientific papers and software projects that are mentioned in them.
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Projects: bioconductor: Pigengene

Infers biological signatures from gene expression data
1 version
Latest release: 10 months ago
11,564 downloads total

Papers Mentioning Pigengene 4

Applications of Bayesian network models in predicting types of hematological malignancies
Cited by: 47
Author(s): Rupesh Agrahari, Amir Foroushani, T. Roderick Docking, Linda Chang, Gerben Duns, Monika Hudoba, Aly Karsan, Habil Zare
Software Mentions: 8
Published: about 6 years ago
Underexpression of Specific Interferon Genes Is Associated with Poor Prognosis of Melanoma
Cited by: 12
Author(s): Aamir Zainulabadeen, Philip Yao, Habil Zare
Software Mentions: 4
Published: over 7 years ago
Cellular, molecular, and therapeutic characterization of pilocarpine-induced temporal lobe epilepsy
Cited by: 4
Author(s): Nicholas Henkel, Marissa A. Smail, Xiaojun Wu, Heather A. Enright, Nicholas O. Fischer, Hunter M. Eby, Robert E. McCullumsmith, Rammohan Shukla
Software Mentions: 4
Published: almost 3 years ago
Large-scale gene network analysis reveals the significance of extracellular matrix pathway and homeobox genes in acute myeloid leukemia: an introduction to the Pigengene package and its applications
Cited by: 33
Author(s): Amir Foroushani, Rupesh Agrahari, T. Roderick Docking, Linda Chang, Gerben Duns, Monika Hudoba, Aly Karsan, Habil Zare
Software Mentions: 3
Published: over 7 years ago