
An open API service providing mapping between scientific papers and software projects that are mentioned in them.
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Projects: bioconductor: GraphAlignment

1 version
Latest release: 10 months ago
28,056 downloads total

Papers Mentioning GraphAlignment 4

NAP: The Network Analysis Profiler, a web tool for easier topological analysis and comparison of medium-scale biological networks
Cited by: 28
Author(s): Θεοδόσιος Θεοδοσίου, Georgios Efstathiou, Nikolas Papanikolaou, Nikos C. Kyrpides, Pantelis G. Bagos, Ioannis Iliopoulos, Georgios A. Pavlopoulos
Software Mentions: 11
Published: about 7 years ago
A network view of microRNA and gene interactions in different pathological stages of colon cancer
Cited by: 5
Author(s): Jia Wen, Benika Hall, Xinghua Shi
Software Mentions: 3
Published: over 4 years ago
GraphAlignment: Bayesian pairwise alignment of biological networks
Cited by: 7
Author(s): Michal Kolář, Jörn Meier, Ville Mustonen, Michael Lässig, Johannes Berg
Software Mentions: 2
Published: over 11 years ago
BinAligner: a heuristic method to align biological networks
Cited by: 5
Author(s): Jialiang Yang, Jun Li, Stefan Grünewald, Xiu Feng Wan
Software Mentions: 1
Published: almost 11 years ago