
An open API service providing mapping between scientific papers and software projects that are mentioned in them.
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Projects: bioconductor: CRImage

CRImage a package to classify cells and calculate tumour cellularity
1 version
Latest release: 10 months ago
30,426 downloads total

Papers Mentioning CRImage 5

Deep Learning of Histopathology Images at the Single Cell Level
Cited by: 19
Author(s): Kyubum Lee, John H. Lockhart, Mengyu Xie, Ritu Chaudhary, Robbert J.C. Slebos, Elsa R. Flores, Christine H. Chung, Aik Choon Tan
Software Mentions: 4
Published: almost 3 years ago
The <i>Arabidopsis thaliana</i> nucleotide sugar transporter GONST2 is a functional homolog of GONST1
Cited by: 4
Author(s): Beibei Jing, Toshiki Ishikawa, Nicole E. Soltis, Noriko Inada, Yan Liang, Gosia M. Murawska, Lin Fang, Fekadu Andeberhan, Venkataramana R. Pidatala, Xiaolan Yu, Edward E. K. Baidoo, Maki Kawai‐Yamada, Dominique Loqué, Daniel J. Kliebenstein, Paul Dupree, Jenny C. Mortimer
Software Mentions: 2
Published: over 3 years ago
The Quantitative Basis of the Arabidopsis Innate Immune System to Endemic Pathogens Depends on Pathogen Genetics
Cited by: 66
Author(s): Jason A. Corwin, Daniel Copeland, Julie E. Feusier, Anushriya Subedy, Robert Eshbaugh, Christine M. Palmer, Julin N. Maloof, Daniel J. Kliebenstein
Software Mentions: 2
Published: over 8 years ago
An ecological measure of immune-cancer colocalization as a prognostic factor for breast cancer
Cited by: 77
Author(s): Carlo C. Maley, Konrad Koelble, Rachael Natrajan, Athena Aktipis, Yinyin Yuan
Software Mentions: 1
Published: almost 9 years ago
Automated analysis of co-localized protein expression in histologic sections of prostate cancer
Cited by: 4
Author(s): Thomas A. Tennill, Mitchell E. Gross, Hermann B. Frieboes
Software Mentions: 1
Published: about 7 years ago