
An open API service providing mapping between scientific papers and software projects that are mentioned in them.
All mentions data is based on the CZI Software Mentions dataset.

Papers: 10.3390/biom11020338

Cited by: 1
Author(s): Maroua Ben Amira, Mohamed Faize, Magnus Karlsson, Mukesh Dubey, Magdalena Frąc, Jacek Panek, Boris Fumanal, Aurélie Gousset-Dupont, Jean-Louis Julien, Hatem Chaar, Daniel Auguin, Robin Mom, Philippe Label, Jean-Stéphane Venisse
Published: about 3 years ago

Software Mentions 12

cran: broom
Convert Statistical Objects into Tidy Tibbles
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cran: egg
Extensions for 'ggplot2': Custom Geom, Custom Themes, Plot Alignment, Labelled Panels, Symmetric Scales, and Fixed Panel Size
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cran: FactoMineR
Multivariate Exploratory Data Analysis and Data Mining
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cran: ggplot2
Create Elegant Data Visualisations Using the Grammar of Graphics
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cran: gridExtra
Miscellaneous Functions for "Grid" Graphics
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cran: multcomp
Simultaneous Inference in General Parametric Models
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cran: multcompView
Visualizations of Paired Comparisons
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cran: tidyverse
Easily Install and Load the 'Tidyverse'
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pypi: broom
Keep your desktop clutter-free.
Papers that mentioned: 39
pypi: egg
This is a lonely egg.
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pypi: MDAnalysis
An object-oriented toolkit to analyze molecular dynamics trajectories.
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pypi: PyMOL

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