
An open API service providing mapping between scientific papers and software projects that are mentioned in them.
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Papers: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.670309

Cited by: 7
Author(s): Alicia A. Gingrich, Taylor Reiter, Sean J Judge, Daniel York, Mio Yanagisawa, Aryana Razmara, Ian R. Sturgill, Ugur Nur Basmaci, Rachel Brady, Kevin Stoffel, William J. Murphy, Robert B. Rebhun, C. Titus Brown, Robert J. Canter
Published: over 2 years ago

Software Mentions 5

bioconductor: enrichplot
Visualization of Functional Enrichment Result
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bioconductor: tximport
Import and summarize transcript-level estimates for transcript- and gene-level analysis
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cran: STAR
Spike Train Analysis with R
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cran: UpSetR
A More Scalable Alternative to Venn and Euler Diagrams for Visualizing Intersecting Sets
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pypi: snakemake
Workflow management system to create reproducible and scalable data analyses
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