
An open API service providing mapping between scientific papers and software projects that are mentioned in them.
All mentions data is based on the CZI Software Mentions dataset.

Papers: 10.26508/lsa.201900328

Cited by: 34
Author(s): Bonnie Bullock, Abigail K. Kimball, Joanna M. Poczobutt, Alexander J. Neuwelt, Howard Li, Amber M. Johnson, Jeff Kwak, Emily K. Kleczko, Rachael E. Kaspar, Emily Kay Wagner, Katharina Hopp, Erin L. Schenk, Mary C. Weiser-Evans, Eric T. Clambey, Raphael A. Nemenoff
Published: about 5 years ago

Software Mentions 3

cran: SPOT
Sequential Parameter Optimization Toolbox
Papers that mentioned: 551
pypi: PhenoGraph
Graph-based clustering for high-dimensional single-cell data
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pypi: TopHat
TopHat Platform
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