
An open API service providing mapping between scientific papers and software projects that are mentioned in them.
All mentions data is based on the CZI Software Mentions dataset.

Papers: 10.1371/journal.pone.0255531

Cited by: 5
Author(s): Amanda Rotella, Adam Maxwell Sparks, Sandeep Mishra, Pat Barclay
Published: over 2 years ago

Software Mentions 7

cran: apaTables
Create American Psychological Association (APA) Style Tables
Papers that mentioned: 13
cran: lsr
Companion to "Learning Statistics with R"
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cran: psych
Procedures for Psychological, Psychometric, and Personality Research
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cran: sjstats
Collection of Convenient Functions for Common Statistical Computations
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cran: yarrr
A Companion to the e-Book "YaRrr!: The Pirate's Guide to R"
Papers that mentioned: 13
pypi: lsr
api de reconnaissance vocale avec une magnifique voix feminine
Papers that mentioned: 53
pypi: table
Two-dimensional tables backed by Numpy with named rows and columns.
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