
An open API service providing mapping between scientific papers and software projects that are mentioned in them.
All mentions data is based on the CZI Software Mentions dataset.

Papers: 10.1371/journal.pone.0150320

Cited by: 14
Author(s): Yaffa Mizrachi Nebenzahl, Karin Blau, Tatyana Kushnir, Marilou Shagan, Maxim Portnoi, Avraham Cohen, Shalhevet Azriel, Itai Malka, Asad Adawi, Daniel Kafka, Shahar Dotan, Gali Guterman, Shany Troib, Tali Fishilevich, Jonathan M. Gershoni, Alex Braiman, Andrea M. Mitchell, Timothy J. Mitchell, Nurith Porat, Inna Goliand, Vered Chalifa‐Caspi, Edwin Swiatlo, Michael Tal, R. John Ellis, Natalie Elia, Ron Dagan
Published: about 8 years ago

Software Mentions 2

bioconductor: SIM
Integrated Analysis on two human genomic datasets
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pypi: Zen
A simple way to access the ZenDesk v2 API via Python.
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