
An open API service providing mapping between scientific papers and software projects that are mentioned in them.
All mentions data is based on the CZI Software Mentions dataset.

Papers: 10.1186/1471-2164-9-204

Cited by: 316
Author(s): Steven L. Salzberg, Daniel Sommer, Michael C. Schatz, Adam M. Phillippy, Pablo D. Rabinowicz, Seiji Tsuge, Ayako Furutani, Hirokazu Ochiai, Arthur L. Delcher, David R. Kelley, Ramana Madupu, Daniela Puiu, Diana Radune, Martin Shumway, Cole Trapnell, Aparna Gudlur, Gopaljee Jha, Alok Pandey, Prabhu B. Patil, Hisashi Ishihara, Damien Meyer, Boris Szurek, Valérie Verdier, Ralf Koebnik, J. Maxwell Dow, Robert P. Ryan, Haruyuki Hirata, Shinji Tsuyumu, Sang Won Lee, Pamela C. Ronald, Ramesh V. Sonti, Marie‐Anne Van Sluys, Jan E. Leach, Frank F. White, Adam J. Bogdanove
Published: over 16 years ago

Software Mentions 2

cran: MCS
Model Confidence Set Procedure
Papers that mentioned: 323
pypi: AMP
A Python 2.7 mathematical parsing library
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