
An open API service providing mapping between scientific papers and software projects that are mentioned in them.
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Papers: 10.1172/JCI96138

Cited by: 69
Author(s): Giorgio Caratti, Mudassar Iqbal, Louise Hunter, Dong Hwan Kim, Ping Wang, Ryan Vonslow, Nicola Begley, Abigail J. Tetley, Joanna Woodburn, Marie Pariollaud, Robert Maidstone, Ian J. Donaldson, Zhenguang Zhang, Louise Ince, Gareth Kitchen, Matthew Baxter, Toryn Poolman, Dion A. Daniels, David R. Stirling, Chad Brocker, Frank J. Gonzalez, A. S. I. Loudon, David A. Bechtold, Magnus Rattray, Laura Matthews, David Ray
Published: over 5 years ago

Software Mentions 4

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Model Based Analysis for ChIP-Seq data
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