
An open API service providing mapping between scientific papers and software projects that are mentioned in them.
All mentions data is based on the CZI Software Mentions dataset.

Papers: 10.1016/j.celrep.2018.07.026

Cited by: 16
Author(s): Carl Ward, Giacomo Volpe, Pierre Cauchy, Anetta Ptasińska, Ruba Almaghrabi, Daniel Blakemore, Monica Nafria, Doris Kestner, Jon Frampton, George J. Murphy, Yosef Buganim, Keisuke Kaji, Paloma García
Published: almost 6 years ago

Software Mentions 4

pypi: browser
A package to prevent Dependency Confusion attacks against Yandex.
Papers that mentioned: 2,125
pypi: MACS
Model Based Analysis for ChIP-Seq data
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pypi: metaseq
Integrative analysis of high-thoughput sequencing data
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pypi: TopHat
TopHat Platform
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